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漫画家になる夢を抱いて関東から大阪へやってきた青年・青威は、当座の生活費を稼ぐため、ミナミの繁華街にあるキャバレー「サン」でボーイとして働いていた。そんなある日、ホステスがヤクザにお触りされている場面に遭遇した青威は、持ち前の正義感から助けに入るが、逆に殴り飛ばされてしまう。店内が騒然とする中、その場に居合わせた派手な関西人の小籔が持ち前の法律知識でヤクザを黙らせ、青威のピンチを救う・・・ 【キャスト】窪田正孝 的場浩司 駿河太郎 森本亮治 升毅


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      You can certainly see your skills in the paintings you write. The arena hopes for more passionate writers such as you who ar271#8e&n;t afraid to say how they believe. Always go after your heart.

    • Tracy より:

      Simply wonderful. I, too, am feeling nostalgic. I loved this one:2. Nancy has, like, a frickin’ graduate degree in secret consartmemtpI gave this series to my daughter when she was about 10…by the time she was 11 she was saying, “Mom, they’re all alike!” Kids are just so much savvier than we were in those (innocent) days.Thanks for sharing this, cleolinda, and thanks also to Reannon for the link.

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